Investments Consulting

Our business development experts have over 120 years of combined experience helping build successful businesses from the ground up. Tell us about your idea and let us help you get started.

Find a Franchise

One of our favorite things to do is help businesses start from scratch. If you have an idea for a new business venture, our experts can help convert your idea into a reality. With services like market analysis, business plans, business registration and more, Kabir Capital is a one stop shop for entrepreneurs starting a new project.

Buy an Existing Business

Would you like to purchase an existing business that is already steadily functioning? Our business consultants can help you find the best business opportunity for your needs. We will personally analyze each opportunity with a specialized report and present you with the most promising options.


Each employment category for admission has different requirements, conditions and authorized periods of stay. It is important that you adhere to the terms of your application or petition for admission and visa. Any violation can result in removal or denial of re-entry into the United States.

MS Doval
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Business opportunities, startups, and marketing

MS Doval
Business Consulting Services

All you need business services


Establish your business in the United States with company registration, market analysis, and a business plan.


Grow your current business with sales consulting, accounting, franchising, human resources, and more.


Grow your business with branding services including web design, graphic design, SEO, and more.


Our immigration specialists will guide you through the process of obtaining an investment visa in the United States through the E2, EB5, or L1 program.

We offer a comprehensive variety of business consulting and marketing services that help companies grow and succeed. Whether you are a startup, an international business looking to transition to the United States, or an established business wanting to expand, our experienced team is here to help.

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